What Does the Fitbit Versa 4 Do: Features, Benefits, and Drawbacks

If you’re looking for a fitness smartwatch, the Fitbit Versa 4 is a great option to consider. It’s the latest addition to the Fitbit family, and it comes with a range of features to help you track your daily fitness goals, improve your health, and make your life more convenient. In this review, we’ll take a closer look at what the Fitbit Versa 4 does, its benefits, drawbacks, and how it compares to other models like the Fitbit Sense and the Apple Watch Series 7.

Key Features

Health and Fitness Tracking

The Fitbit Versa 4 is designed to help you track your daily fitness and health goals. It comes with a heart rate monitor that measures your heart rate throughout the day, allowing you to track your cardio fitness level and monitor your heart rate during exercise. It also has sleep tracking features, which monitor your sleep patterns and give you insights into how much restful sleep you’re getting. Additionally, the Versa 4 comes with exercise tracking features, including workout modes for running, cycling, swimming, and more.

Smartwatch Functions

The Fitbit Versa 4 is more than just a fitness tracker; it also comes with smartwatch functions that make your life more convenient. You can receive notifications from your phone, control your music, and even make wallet-free payments using the watch. The Versa 4 also integrates with Amazon Alexa, allowing you to control your smart home devices and ask Alexa for help when you need it.


The Fitbit Versa 4 allows you to personalize your smartwatch experience. You can choose from a range of customizable clock faces to suit your style, and you can access the app store to download more apps and watch faces. Additionally, the Versa 4 integrates with the Fitbit Coach app, which provides personalized workout routines and coaching to help you reach your fitness goals.


Improved Health and Fitness

The Fitbit Versa 4 is a great tool to help you improve your health and fitness. Its tracking features allow you to monitor your daily activity levels, heart rate, sleep patterns, and more, helping you to identify areas where you can improve your health. The personalized coaching from the Fitbit Coach app can also help you develop a workout routine that’s tailored to your needs and goals.

Convenience and Efficiency

The Fitbit Versa 4 is a convenient tool to have in your daily life. Its smartwatch functions allow you to receive notifications from your phone and control your music without having to pull out your phone. Additionally, the Versa 4’s wallet-free payment feature allows you to make purchases without having to carry cash or cards.

Personalized Experience

The Fitbit Versa 4 allows you to personalize your smartwatch experience, from the customizable clock faces to the personalized coaching from the Fitbit Coach app. This can help you to stay motivated and engaged in your fitness journey, making it more likely that you’ll stick to your goals.



The Fitbit Versa 4 comes with a price tag that may be a barrier for some consumers. While it’s not as expensive as the Fitbit Sense or the Apple Watch Series 7, it’s still pricier than some other fitness trackers on the market.

Limited Battery Life

The Fitbit Versa 4 has a battery life of up to four days, which may not be enough for some users. If you’re someone who wants to track your sleep patterns or exercise routines every day, you may need to charge the watch more frequently.

Requires Smartphone

The Fitbit Versa 4 requires a smartphone to function fully. While this may not be an issue for most users.

Comparison to Other Models

Fitbit Versa 3

The Fitbit Versa 3 is the predecessor to the Versa 4 and shares many of its features. Both watches have heart rate monitors, sleep tracking, and exercise tracking modes. However, the Versa 4 has a few key improvements, including a longer battery life, built-in GPS, and the ability to make wallet-free payments.

Fitbit Sense

The Fitbit Sense is the top-of-the-line model in the Fitbit family. It comes with all the features of the Versa 4, plus a few additional ones. The Sense has an EDA sensor to measure your body’s response to stress, as well as an ECG app to measure your heart’s electrical activity. However, these features come at a higher price point than the Versa 4.

Apple Watch Series 7

The Apple Watch Series 7 is a direct competitor to the Fitbit Versa 4. Both watches offer similar features, including heart rate monitoring, sleep tracking, and smartwatch functions. However, the Apple Watch Series 7 is significantly more expensive than the Versa 4 and may not be as accessible to all consumers.

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Read: How To Turn Off Fitbit Versa 4?
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Read: Does Fitbit Versa 4 Work With iPhone?

What does the Versa 4 have?

The Fitbit Versa 4 is a feature-packed fitness smartwatch that comes with a range of functions. It has a heart rate monitor that can track your heart rate throughout the day, giving you a better understanding of your health and fitness levels. The watch also has sleep tracking capabilities that can monitor the quality and duration of your sleep. The Versa 4 also has a range of exercise tracking modes, including running, swimming, and cycling, making it a great companion for any workout. The watch also has a built-in GPS, which means you can track your distance and route without needing to carry your phone with you.

In addition to its fitness tracking functions, the Fitbit Versa 4 is also a smartwatch, which means it has the ability to receive notifications from your smartphone, control your music playback, and even make contactless payments. The watch is water-resistant up to 50 meters, which means you can take it swimming without worrying about damage. The watch also has a large, bright screen that is easy to read, even in bright sunlight.

Is it worth buying Fitbit Versa 4?

Whether or not the Fitbit Versa 4 is worth buying depends on your needs and preferences. If you’re looking for a fitness smartwatch that can track your heart rate, sleep, and workouts, as well as provide smartwatch functions like notifications and contactless payments, then the Versa 4 is a great option. It also has a longer battery life than previous models, which means you won’t need to charge it as often.

However, if you’re on a tight budget, the Fitbit Versa 4 may be a bit pricey. There are other fitness trackers on the market that offer similar functions at a lower price point. Additionally, if you’re looking for more advanced features like the EDA sensor and ECG app found on the Fitbit Sense, then the Versa 4 may not be the best option for you.

Overall, the Fitbit Versa 4 is a great choice for anyone looking for a versatile fitness smartwatch that can track their daily fitness goals and make their life more convenient. It offers a range of features that justify the cost and is an excellent option for anyone looking to improve their health and fitness levels.


The Fitbit Versa 4 is a great option for anyone looking for a fitness smartwatch. Its tracking features, smartwatch functions, and personalized coaching make it a versatile tool for improving your health and fitness. While it may be pricier than some other fitness trackers on the market, it offers a range of features that justify the cost.

If you’re considering purchasing the Fitbit Versa 4, be sure to weigh the benefits and drawbacks, and consider how it compares to other models like the Fitbit Sense and the Apple Watch Series 7. Overall, the Fitbit Versa 4 is a great choice for anyone looking to track their daily fitness goals and make their life more convenient.